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Weekly Bulletin for Sunday, February 16

Children The nursery (infant to 3) as well as GGF Kids (ages 4 to 7) are available today in the lower level. Bags with biblical activities for children are also available near the Information table for use during the service.

The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated next Sun., Feb. 23, with a fellowship meal (boxed lunch) to follow, after the congregational meeting. Please plan to stay and enjoy our monthly meal together and get to know someone else.

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sun., Feb. 23. The meeting will review our 2024 finances as well as other church-related issues that the elders would like to review.

Personal Evangelism Small Groups will meet this Wed., Feb. 19 at 6:30pm in the lower level, as well as Feb. 26.

Women’s Monthly Luncheon will be held on Fri., Feb. 21. Please sign up at the Information table and prepare to bring a Bible verse that is dear to your heart. For further questions please contact Nancy Moen or Linda Bjerknes.

CIC Podcast A new series on Bob’s article entitled Rescued, Transferred, Redeemed and Forgiven is hosted by our very own Barb Gretch interviewing Bob. It is available at and on the CIC YouTube channel. Copies of the article are available on the information table.

Prayer with an elder or other prayer partner is available following the worship service in the front left area of the sanctuary.

Weekly Bulletin for Sunday, February 9

Children The nursery (infant to 3) as well as GGF Kids (ages 4 to 7) are available today in the lower level. Bags with biblical activities for children are also available near the Information table for use during the service.

Personal Evangelism Small Groups will meet this Wed., Feb. 12 at 6:30pm in the lower level, as well as Feb. 19 and 26.

NEW! Women’s Monthly Luncheon will be held on Fri., Feb. 21. Please sign up at the Information table and plan to bring a Bible verse that is dear to your heart. For further questions please contact Nancy Moen or Linda Bjerknes.

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sun., Feb. 23. The meeting will review our 2024 finances as well as other church-related issues that the elders would like to review. We will also have a fellowship meal (boxed lunch) immediately following the meeting so plan to stay for that as well!

CIC Podcast A new series on Bob’s article entitled Rescued, Transferred, Redeemed and Forgiven is available at and on the CIC YouTube channel. Copies of the article are available on the information table.

Prayer with an elder or other prayer partner is available following the worship service in the front left area of the sanctuary.

Access the weekly bulletin online at: and to see the church calendar go to

Weekly Bulletin for Sunday, February 2

Children The nursery (infant to 3) as well as GGF Kids (ages 4 to 7) are available today in the lower level. Bags with biblical activities for children are also available near the Information table for use during the service.

Corporate Prayer will be held this Wed., Feb. 5 from 7-8pm on Zoom. All congregants are invited and will receive an email with the list of prayer needs on Wed. morning, with the link to participate online. You may pray, read Scripture or listen along silently.

Personal Evangelism Small Groups There will be no class this Wed Feb. 5 but class will resume on Wed., Feb. 12.

NEW! Women’s Monthly Luncheon Any GGF women who would be interested in a monthly luncheon, please sign up at the Info Table. For further questions, please contact Beth Harmon.

CIC Podcast A new series on Bob’s article entitled Rescued, Transferred, Redeemed and Forgiven is hosted by our very own Barb Gretch interviewing Bob. It is available at and on the CIC YouTube channel.

Save the Date for our annual Congregational Meeting on Sun., Feb. 23. More details will be available in the near future. The meeting will review our 2024 finances as well as other church-related issues that the elders would like to review.

Prayer with an elder or other prayer partner is available following the worship service in the front left area of the sanctuary.

Access the weekly bulletin online at: and to see the church calendar go to