- We believe the Scriptures, the 39 canonical books of the Old Testament, and 27 canonical books of the New Testament, are the inspired Word of God, without error, revealed for the salvation of man and therefore the only source and guide for faith, doctrine, and life.
- We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of Whom is co-equal, co-eternal, and co-essential.
- We believe in the true deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His true humanity, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary death through His Blood shed at Calvary, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, but were tempted by Satan and fell, plunging all mankind into sin and spiritual darkness causing all of humanity to be separated from God. Because of this, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation.
- We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who repent of their sin and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ are truly born again and so become the children of God.
- We believe that the Lord’s Supper and Water Baptism are ordinances to be observed by the church during this present day. The Lord’s Supper is the means by which we remember Christ’s sacrificial death and the promise of His return for those who trust in Him. Baptism by immersion is a demonstration of the believer’s new life in Christ. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of Salvation.
- We believe the present ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, convict men of sin, regenerate the sinner, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for Godly living and service. We believe this includes His distribution and operation of gifts, as mentioned in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, according to His will, for the building and edification of the Body of Christ. The presence of gifts is for honoring God by humbly serving His people, and do not prove a superior spirituality or Christian maturity. No true gift of the Spirit today provides any new revelation, nor are there any authoritative apostles or prophets that function in the same capacity as those in the Scriptures.
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the unbeliever to the resurrection of judgement and everlasting punishment, and the believer to the resurrection of eternal life.
- We believe in the literal fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. We affirm the continued place of national Israel in God’s plan. There will be a literal rapture of the church, great tribulation, and the bodily return of Christ to bring judgment upon the nations and salvation to Israel. He will then set up a 1,000 year reign in Jerusalem followed by the final judgment.
- We believe in the Doctrines of Grace as articulated in the five solas of the Reformation: Scripture alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, to the Glory of God alone.
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