Sermons from 2011
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 25, 2011
Immanuel: God With Us Part 2 (Isaiah 7:14)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 7:14
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December 11, 2011
The Bridegroom is Coming - A Biblical Look at Christian Preparedness - Part 2
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical Topic: Eschatology
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December 4, 2011
The Bridegroom is Coming - A Biblical Look at Christian Preparedness - Part 1
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical
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November 27, 2011
No One Fasts with the Bridegroom Present (Mark 2:18-20)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11:27
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November 20, 2011
The Messiah Dines with Sinners (Mark 2:13-17)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 2:13-17
November 18, 2011
Immanuel: God With Us Part 1 (Isaiah 7:1-17)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 7:1–17
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November 13, 2011
Isaiah's Vision Part 2: God Hardens The Reprobate (Isaiah 6:9-13)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 6:9–13
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November 6, 2011
Isaiah's Vision Part 1: The Holy One of Israel Uses Sinners (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 6:1–8
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October 30, 2011
Jesus is the Son of Man (Mark 2:1-12)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
October 16, 2011
Jesus is Able to Make Us Clean Forever (Mark 1:40-45)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:40-45
September 25, 2011
The Consequences of Rejecting God's Word (Isaiah 5:18-24)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 5:18-24
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September 4, 2011
Jesus Came to Bring the Ultimate Healing (Mark 1:29-39)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:29-39
August 28, 2011
Jesus Lordship a Threat and a Blessing (Mark 1:16-28)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:16-28
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August 14, 2011
God's Vineyard Must Produce Fruit (Isaiah 5:1-7)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 5:1-7
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August 7, 2011
Jesus' Coming Means the Kingdom of God is Near (Mark 1:12-15)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:12-15
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August 7, 2011
Jesus Coming Means Kingdom is Near (Mark 1:12-15)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:12-15
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July 31, 2011
Jesus Represents the People of God (Mark 1:1-11)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1:1-11
July 17, 2011
The Good News (Introduction to Mark)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 1–16
July 10, 2011
Yahweh Hands His People Over To Pagan Leadership (Isaiah 3:1-15 )
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 3:1-15
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June 26, 2011
God Alone will be Exalted (Isaiah 2:12-24)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 2:12-24
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June 19, 2011
God Will Be Exalted In Jerusalem ''In That Day'' (Isaiah 2:1-11)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 2:1–11
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June 12, 2011
God Restores His Elect and Burns His Enemies (Isaiah 1:21-31)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 1:21–31
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June 5, 2011
God Desires Faithful Obedience - Not Vain Rituals (Isaiah 1:20)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Isaiah Scripture: Isaiah 1:20
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May 15, 2011
Living in Light of Eternity (2 Peter 3:13-18)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 3:13-18
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May 1, 2011
The Lord is not Slow to Fulfill His Promise (2 Peter 3:8-13)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8-13
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April 24, 2011
Jesus the Lamb Who Takes Away the Sin of the World
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical
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April 17, 2011
We Must Not Scoff At God's Spokesmen (2 Peter 3:1-7)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1-7
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April 3, 2011
The Day of the Lord: A Look at the Imminent Day of Salvation and Judgment
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical Topic: Eschatology
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March 27, 2011
The Impact of False Teachers on Others (2 Peter 2:17-22)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Topic: Eschatology Scripture: 2 Peter 2:17–22
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March 20, 2011
The Arrogance of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:10b-16)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 2:10-16
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March 13, 2011
The Judgment of the Wicked and Salvation of the Saints (2 Peter 2:4-10a)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 2:4-10
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March 6, 2011
The Impact of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-3)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1-3
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February 27, 2011
God has Determined the Meaning of the Bible (2 Peter 1:19-21)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 1:19-21
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February 20, 2011
The Apostolic Testimony of Jesus' Enthronement
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical Scripture: 2 Peter 1:12-18
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February 13, 2011
The Necessity for Godly Living (2 Peter 1:5-11)
Preacher: Eric Douma Scripture: 2 Peter 1:5-11
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February 6, 2011
God's Gracious Gift of Knowing Him (2 Peter 1:1-4)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-4
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January 30, 2011
Final Exhortations by Peter (2 Peter 1:1-4)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-14
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January 23, 2011
The Blessing of Suffering for Christ (1 Peter 4:12-19)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-19
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January 16, 2011
Living in Light of Christ's Return (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 2 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7-11
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January 9, 2011
Peter Prepares Believers to Suffer (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 1 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6
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January 2, 2011
Jesus' Death: Our Atonement and Example (1 Peter 3:18-22)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 1 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18-22
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