Sermons from 2014
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 28, 2014
Beware Human Tradition
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 2:8
December 21, 2014
The Magnificat-A Song of Salvation
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Luke Scripture: Luke 1:46-55
December 14, 2014
Jesus Is in Control of All Things
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 14:12-15
December 7, 2014
A Woman's Extravagant Love For Christ
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 14:1-11
November 30, 2014
Rooted and Built Up in Christ
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 2:4-7
November 16, 2014
Learning to Be Alert for the Coming King
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:32-37
November 9, 2014
Learning to Wait for the Messianic Kingdom
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:28-31
November 2, 2014
Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:27-29
October 26, 2014
Filling Up the Sufferings of Christ
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:24-26
October 19, 2014
The Coming of Christ to Establish the Kingdom of Israel
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:24-27
October 12, 2014
What Life Is Like in Daniel's 70th Week - Pt 2
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:14-23
October 5, 2014
From Alienation to Reconciliation to Glory
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:23–24
September 28, 2014
What Life Is Like in Daniel's 70th Week - Pt 1
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:5-13
September 21, 2014
Christ Reconciles ''The All''
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:19-20
September 14, 2014
The Supremacy of Christ
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:17-18
September 7, 2014
God Will Be Faithful to Fulfill Daniel's 70th Week
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:1–4, Mark 13:30–31
August 31, 2014
The Lord's Supper: A Table of Blessing, Not Abuse
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23–34
August 24, 2014
The Preeminence of Christ
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:15-16
August 17, 2014
Rescued, Transferred, Redeemed and Forgiven (Colossians 1:13, 14)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:13–14
August 10, 2014
Interpreting The Olivet Discourse Part 2 (Mark 13)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:1–37
August 3, 2014
Interpreting the Olivet Discourse Part 1 (Mark 13)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 13:1–37
July 27, 2014
Prayer for the Full Knowledge of God
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:9-12
July 20, 2014
Obedience to Christ and His Apostles (Phil. 2:12-13)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Philippians Scripture: Philippians 2:12–13
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July 13, 2014
The Great Contrast Between the Scribes and the Widow (Mark 12:38-44)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:38–44
July 6, 2014
We Can Be Certain That Jesus Is Both Lord and Christ (Mark 12:35-37)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:35–37
June 29, 2014
Gospel Fruit (Colossians 1:5b-8)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:5–8
June 22, 2014
Colossians Prologue (Colossians 1:1-5)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:1–5
June 15, 2014
How Can We Truly Love God and Neighbor? (Mark 12:28-34)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:28–34
June 8, 2014
Do We Understand the Scriptures and the Power of God? (Mark 12:18-27)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:18–27
June 1, 2014
Boasting Only in the Cross (Galatians 6:11-18)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:11–18
May 25, 2014
Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6: 7-10)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:7–10
May 18, 2014
Jesus Gives the Correct Understanding of Church and State (Mark 12:13-17)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:13–17
May 11, 2014
Hard Hearts Stumble Over the Stone Laid in Zion (Mark 12:1-12)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 12:1– 1:12
May 4, 2014
Practical Instruction About Burden Bearing (Galatians 6:4-6)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:4–6
April 27, 2014
Bearing One Another's Burdens (Gal. 6:1-3)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 6:1–3
April 20, 2014
Christ's Resurrection: The Basis of Our Assured Hope
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Topical
April 13, 2014
To Whose Authority Will You Submit? (Mark 11:27-33)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11:27–33
April 6, 2014
The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:22–26
March 30, 2014
Works of the Flesh Exposed (Galatians 5:19-21)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:19–21
March 23, 2014
What Is the Object of Your Faith? (Mark 11:21-25)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11:21–25
March 16, 2014
For Whose Glory Are You Living? (Mark 11:15-21)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11:15–21
March 9, 2014
Those Who Walk in the Spirit Are Led by the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-18)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:16–18
March 2, 2014
Called to Liberty and Love (Galatians 5:13-15)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:13–15
February 23, 2014
The Barren Fruit In Israel (Mark 11:12-14)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11:12–14
February 16, 2014
Jesus Is ''The One Who Comes'' in the Name of Yahweh (Mark 11: 1-12)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 11: 1–12
February 9, 2014
Cut In on by False Teachers (Galatians 5:7-12)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:7–12
February 2, 2014
Fallen From Grace (Galatians 5:2-6)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:2–6
January 26, 2014
Jesus: The Messiah Who Makes Priests of The Blind (Mark 10:46-52)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 10:46–52
January 19, 2014
The Call to Join the Sufferings of Christ (Mark 7:1-8)
Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark Scripture: Mark 10:35–45
January 12, 2014
Stand Firm in Freedom (Galatians 5:1)
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians Scripture: Galatians 5:1
January 5, 2014
Free Sons of the Heavenly Promise
Preacher: Bob DeWaay Scripture: Galatians 4:21–4:31