The Disciples Misunderstand Elijah's Role (Mark 9:9-13)
July 14, 2013 Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Mark
Scripture: Mark 9:9–13
In Mark 9:9-13 we read of Jesus' trip down the mountain with Peter, James, and John. The disciples believed that the consummation of the kingdom was at hand as evidenced by Jesus' radiant appearance and God the Father's testimony up on the mountain. Jesus had to quench this attitude because the disciples were failing to see the necessity of what must come before Christ's glory -- His suffering and death on the cross! The discussion about Elijah's suffering and ministry to "restore all things" reminds us that the people of God suffer here and now, but it also reminds us that one day all Israel will be saved as they come to faith in Messiah. In short, we all can learn from this discussion not to believe in the false promises of teachers today who claim that the Christian's life here and now will be marked by only prosperity and good times. Instead, Jesus teaches us here that suffering comes before glory.
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