The Ground of True Christian Unity (Galatians 3:26-29)
September 29, 2013 Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 3:26–29
This section of Galatians emphasizes what is true of all Christians. It describes being sons of God in terms of having saving faith. Those who have saving faith are one in Christ. Christian unity is gospel unity, not ecumenism. Baptism is for all Christians and shows their unity with the Lord, and one another. This sermon discusses the garment analogy and how it applies to baptism. Distinctive things that exist outside of the church such as gender, economic status, ethnic identity and even slavery are not determinative of our status in the church. We are one in Christ. All who believe are partakers of the promise given to Abraham. In the applications, we discuss that promoting Christian unity means striving together for the faith of the gospel. The integrity of the gospel and personal humility are essential for the unity Paul teaches.
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