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Access to God (Ephesians 3:12-13)

April 28, 2019 Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Ephesians

Scripture: Ephesians 3:12-13

Paul uses three important terms about what all believers have in Christ: boldness, access and confidence. The word "boldness" implies freedom of speech when one addresses God. Believers can pray at any time without fear of being turned away because of some ritual impurity. The access that we have is continual because we are "in Christ" because of His once for all work of grace in making a way to God for us. Confidence in our approach is in stark contrast to the rituals required of the adherents to the pagan religions of Ephesus. Faith in Christ is what is necessary, not demanding religious rituals. Verse 13 picks up Paul's thought from verse 2 where he refers to his stewardship of God's grace.

In between verses 2 and 13 Paul explains the content of the mystery that was previously unknown but now revealed. Those in Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, have this gracious access to God through Christ. Paul had suffered great persecution by both Gentiles and Jews for His bold proclamation of the gospel. He did not want the Ephesians to be discouraged because of his imprisonment. This sermon shows how futile pagan religion really is by discussing the harsh practices pagans endure hoping to gain access to their deities or to find their help, which never comes. In contrast, Christians always have access to God who loves us, hears us, and gives us grace, mercy and timely help.

Sermon video will be available at a later date. Sermon handout and slides are available under the Download tab.