Be a Benefactor for Christ ( 1 Timothy 6:1-2a)
October 13, 2019 Preacher: Eric Douma Series: First and Second Timothy
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:1-2
In this message taken from 1 Timothy 6:1-2 we learn how Christians are called to be servants of others in order to glorify Christ’s name. This concept stems from Paul’s admonishment to Christian slaves that they should “honor” their slave masters. Paul explains that it is better to render honorable service to a slave master than to bring disrepute upon Christ’s name and the gospel. He also explains that Christian slaves can serve as “benefactors” to their Christian slave masters who are fellow brothers in Christ. This teaching by Paul is a shocking cultural reversal as normally it was those of high status that were benefactors to those of less status. Here, Paul stands this concept on its head by calling Christians of the lowest status (slaves) to be benefactors to those of higher status! Come and hear for yourself why Christians must forego the desire for status and learn to serve others.
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