The Importance of Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6-11)
November 10, 2019 Preacher: Eric Douma Series: 1 Timothy
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-11
In this message taken from 1 Timothy 6:6-11 we learn how contentment is essential to godly living. Paul juxtaposes true godliness that is accompanied by contentment with the false godliness taught by the heretics in Ephesus who claimed that godliness was attached to greedy gain. In these verses we unpack why Christians must be content with their financial state, and why people who are greedy are often led away from Christ. We also prove that the only way we can be content with our life now is by being convinced of the future promises of God. Come and hear why contentment, which is necessary for godliness, is only possible for those who believe the promises of God.
Sermon handout and slides are availble under the Downloads tab.
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