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Words Taught by the Spirit: 1 Corinthians 2:13

January 23, 2022 Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: 1 Corinthians

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:13

Title:   1 Corinthians 2:13  “Words Taught by the Spirit”

By Bob DeWaay

This sermon focuses on a verse that has been difficult to interpret. We deal with each word in the passage to show that the “things” which Paul and the others preach, is Christ crucified. Over the centuries, many have taken the “spiritual” words/things to be higher order revelations or mystical insights that ordinary believers do not know.  However, when we consider the grammar and Greek word usages in context, Paul’s message is consistent. The Corinthian church had schisms and divisions. Paul wrote to correct this error. False teachers of various types take the concept of “words taught be the Spirit” to be the domain of mystics, higher order spirituality, or special revelations for truly “spiritual” Christians. The “spiritual people” are those who believe in Christ. Paul is not speaking of elite piety, but those who are in Christ by God’s doing. Some in Corinth boasted in a special spirituality other Christians lacked. Paul wrote to correct that error, not to teach how to be schismatic through false claims!