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The Parable of the Tares: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

November 17, 2024 Preacher: Eric Douma Series: Matthew

Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30–36-43

In this message, taken from Jesus’ Parable of the Tares, we learn that both believers and unbelievers will coexist on the planet until after the Millennial Kingdom.

Considering this fact, we discuss how we as believers in Christ have a duty to love unbelievers and preach the gospel to them. We also learn that we should never seek to eradicate unbelievers or engage in vengeance towards them.

Instead, we should trust that God will one day judge them at the White Throne Judgment after the Millennial Kingdom and before the Eternal State (Rev. 20:15). Come and hear for yourself why you can trust God to be sovereign over both the wheat (believers) and the tares (unbelievers).