Teachings from July 2014
Back to Teaching ArchiveJuly 27, 2014
Christ's Address to the Church of Thyatira (Part 2) (Revelation 2:18-29)
Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Revelation - Eric Douma Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29
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July 20, 2014
Sanctified by the Word - Various Scriptures
Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Law and the Gospel
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July 13, 2014
Binding and Loosing (Matthew 16:18-19)
Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Topical Scripture: Hebrews 12:16–12:17, Matthew 16:18–16:19
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July 6, 2014
God's Discipline and Sanctification - Hebrews 12 Selected Passages
Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Law and the Gospel Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-28
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