Two Important Visions - Part 1 (Acts 10:1-8)
April 16, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 10:1-8
Even though the truth that the gospel must go to the ends of the earth has been clear in Luke/Acts, now there is another obstacle to be overcome. The Jewish Christians must learn to accept Gentile converts into table fellowship. Luke’s description of Cornelius shows that this man was someone who truly feared God and sought to be pleasing to the God of Israel. We see that Luke’s historical descriptions continue to be proven accurate. We also discuss how Luke gives narrative clues to indicate who is a reliable witness who should be believed. God is working supernaturally in to bring Cornelius and Peter together and then to bring salvation to Gentiles.
Handout and slides are available under Downloads.