The Eighth Commandment
July 16, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: The Ten Commandments
In this exposition and application of the 8th commandment, we see that ownership of private property is part of the implications of the command to not steal. We see how important this and other Biblical laws are to western civilization and how rejecting God’s word opens the door to paganism. We discuss how America has become paganized by driving the law of God out of our civil government and even out of our churches. We also see how work is to valued and people treated in a godly way. Socialism is antithetical to a Christian worldview. We need to teach our children the Bible so that they grow up with the truth and do not develop a pagan view of life. This does not guarantee conversion, that is by grace alone, but it nevertheless is our duty to teach the Bible to our children. Many important applications to our lives as Christians in America are included in this Bible teaching.
No handouts for this class. It is a video from a sermon archives by Bob DeWaay and is attached for your easy access.