The Overthrow of Religious Babylon (Revelation 17:1-14)
August 6, 2017 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Revelation - Eric Douma
Scripture: Revelation 17:1-14
In this first message in Revelation 17 we examine the background to religious Babylon that forms the headquarters of all false religion and idolatry in the seventieth week of Daniel. In this study we look at how religious Babylon functions in the great apostasy mentioned by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. We also develop how religious Babylon functions in relationship to the reign of the Antichrist. Come and hear how the unregenerate world will one day rebuild Babylon again.
Class handout and slides are avalable under Downloads tab. Keep them handy for the conclusion of the class from Revelation 17 when Eric continues the class in a few weeks.