The Emerging Church and Postmodern Mysticism Part 2
August 27, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Theology
We listen to part 2 of a lecture by Bob DeWaay about the Emergent church and the theology of its primary teachers. In this session we deal with some of their confusing ideas and show what is being claimed and how to refute it. This includes unpacking their teaching about “socially constructed reality.” They say that all “worlds” we think we are in are mentally constructed and must be “deconstructed” to expose the bad motives of the people who created them. This means that any truth claims made by people they want to refute can be deconstructed to reveal the bad motives of those whose positions of power helped them put people in these “worlds.” Many of emergent or postmodern claims are self-refuting. We discuss examples of how this is true and why we must reject this movement and its agenda.
Slides available under Downloads tab. The full video which provided the basis for this discussion can be found at the Sunday School class from the previous week (August 20, 2017) entitled The Emerging Church and Postmodern Mysticism.