Peter Defends Fellowship With Converted Gentiles (Acts 11:2-4)
October 22, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 11:2-4
Following God’s work through Peter to bring the gospel to God-fearing gentiles, Peter has to defend having table fellowship with them. We discuss the fact that only God can cleanse the hearts of sinners. When He does, those who are thus cleansed are to be accepted by the church. The dispute is about eating with them, even though there was no objection to them having been baptized. We mention that traditions of men that are beyond Scripture are not binding on Christians. When the term translated “orderly sequence” is used in this section, it raises the question whether this only means “chronological sequence.” Demanding that the gospels and Acts must be strictly chronological is imposing something that often confuses or causes critics to charge the Bible with error. We have a robust discussion about this and show that the significance of the events in order to convince people of the truth is the key point. Chronology is roughly followed, but each gospel writer is making his own points about what we must know and believe.
Class handout and slides are available under Downloads tab.