Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (John 9)
January 7, 2018 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Hermeneutics - Study of Scripture
Scripture: John 9
There has been a long discussion in church history about why Jesus made mud and sent the blind man to wash. We take up the issue and examine a possible allusion to Genesis 2:7 that John uses to remind us that Jesus is the Creator (John 1:1-5). This interpretation was proposed very early in church history and then later doubted. But what we need to find out is what the apostle John intended. This also applies to the contrast between the lame man who was healed in John 5 and the blind man healed here in John 9. The former became bitter (though healed) and the later eventually became better and believed. The healed lame man never came to faith while the healed blind man does by the end of chapter 9. This leads to the first of our students to identify the main point of John chapter 9, which is found in John 9:38. Those who think they see (spiritually) are blind and become hardened. This is contrasted with those who “do not see” who come to faith and now truly see! The class has a robust discussion about how John and other biblical writers reveal the truth of what God has said. We need to learn how to read! That there is a Genesis 2 allusion has a lot of merit and is likely the best reading.
Class handout and slides are available under the Download tabs.