Biblical Evangelism
January 21, 2018 Speaker: Mike Gendron Series: Evangelism
This presentation thoroughly describes the key issues about the gospel and how God uses it to save sinners. Much of what has been popular in churches changes or excludes important gospel issues. Mike Gendron does a masterful job of correcting misunderstandings and giving biblically sound and practical means of glorifying God by presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ. The presentation is based on Paul’s address as recorded in Acts 20:17-36. This includes repentance, faith, the person and work of Christ, grace, the whole purpose of God, sanctification, and glorification. Many today do not mention God’s wrath against sin and that Christ’s substitutionary death was sufficient to avert God’s wrath against sin for all who believe. Evangelist Gendron also explains many practical ideas about how we can all share the gospel. Throughout the video he mentions many false ideas such as the idea that we need “decisions” or that people are saved by repeating a prayer. I highly recommend Mike’s ministry and this video.
Bob DeWaay