God Overthrows Economic Babylon Pt. 3 (Revelation 18:9-24)
February 4, 2018 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Revelation - Eric Douma
Scripture: Revelation 18:9-24
In this message from Revelation 18:9-24 we finish discussing God’s judgment upon Babylon. We learn in this message a several key ideas. First, we learn that God will establish His city (Jerusalem) by grace whereas the world will establish a sinful city by works (Babylon). We learn that Isaiah chapters 24-26 contrast these two cities and encourage believers to live for God’s city. We also learn about the reversal of fortunes that come upon the ungodly. The ungodly often persecute believers during this church age, but we learn in this passage that God will put to tribulation, in Daniel’s 70th week, those who persecuted the church. Come and hear why every person should live for God’s city and not the city of sin.
Class handout and slides are available under the Downloads tab.