We begin by showing that Jesus’ creative miracle in John 9 showed that He is the very Creator. The key idea that we examine is how John points his readers to faith in Christ as the only way to eternal life. The healed blind man in John 9 illustrates the need to come to Christ who is the proper object of faith and worship. We also show the need for clear, biblical categories that define good and evil. False religions want to erase boundaries that God created. In John 9, the proud religious leaders became blind spiritually while the blind man not only was healed so that he could see physically, but was saved so that he saw spiritually. He became a true worshiper who worshiped in spirit and truth as the woman in John 4 was told. We see how Thomas believed based on objective evidence as well. We discuss many passages in John that reveal who Jesus is and why we need to come to faith in Him, who as God is the proper object of faith.
Class handout and slides available under the Downloads tab.