Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the need to learn from Him about heavenly realities. John claims that Jesus pre-existed with God and as God and then came into the world. He spoke the truth about heavenly things to real people in real places. This underscores the tangibility and objectivity of God’s word to man as found in the Bible. Moses saw God in tangible ways that were unique to Moses in the OT. Jesus is the greater “Moses” who came as Moses predicted in Deuteronomy 18:15. Jesus always spoke the truth about both heavenly and earthly things. If we do not listen to what Jesus and His apostles tell us about spiritual realities, we will certainly be deceived. There is an attack against this objective revelation by religious philosophies that can be traced back to German idealism and romanticism. Jesus claimed that Moses spoke about Him and pointed to the bronze serpent as prefiguring Jesus’ own crucifixion and resurrection to save those who believe. Jesus spoke cold, sober truth and we must listen to Him.
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