The Transfiguration and Prophecy (Luke 9:28-36)
May 6, 2018 Speaker: Bob DeWaay
Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
The context of this passage makes it clear that the transfiguration is linked to what Jesus said in Luke 9:26, 27. Jesus’ prediction of future glory is previewed on the mount of transfiguration but will not be fulfilled until the events of the 2nd advent. Before this there will be rejection and suffering. The future glory has not happened in church history and certainly has not happened in Rome. Jesus mentions the “Son of Man” of Daniel which speaks of future glory. The narrative in Luke/Acts shows that as the journey to Jerusalem goes on, there are more words about rejection and suffering but the disciples do not yet understand. If we wish to find glory in the eyes of religious and political authorities we will not be willing to suffer shame now for the sake of Christ and His future glory. The mount of transfiguration echoes events in the OT where there were mounts, clouds and glory. But in this case, Moses and Elijah disappear and only Christ remains. God from heaven identifies Him as the beloved Son and commands that we listen to Him. In regard to Elijah, we discuss events in Elijah’s life such as the confrontation with the prophets of Baal who went to extremes and were still not “heard” by their false deity. Jesus ascended to heaven and we as believers are assured that He hears us. We do not need to do pious religious deeds thinking that maybe then He will hear us. Elijah also was taken up and on the mount they were discussing Jesus’ “departure” where He is taken up into heaven. We get the clear message that Jesus and His apostles speak for God and we must listen to their binding, authoritative words and not the many false claimants in church history who supposedly speak for God.
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