Peter Goes From Jail to the Church (Acts 12: 8-11)
September 2, 2018 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 12:8-11
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This class continues a discussion of the Exodus allusions in Luke/Acts, including Peter’s imprisonment and supernatural rescue. Herod wished to impress the Romans by catering to the Jewish rejection of the Christian faith and therefore jailed Peter. He intended to bring him out at the key time during the feast to presumably kill him. But God intervened and an angel of the Lord appeared causing the jail cell to fill with light. Also the chains holding Peter fell off. We relate this to other supernatural acts of God including the resurrection of Christ when His tomb had been made secure and was guarded by soldiers. There are also important links to the Exodus of Israel from Egypt and being brought out in haste. Peter did not realize what was going on at first as God acted decisively and powerfully to free him.
The end of the class is a discussion about the extent of atonement. We explain that Christ provided sufficient atonement for all people, but that not all are saved. Universalism is false, but also false is any claim that some that come to Christ will be rejected because they were not pre-ordained for salvation. This leads to a discussion of the necessity of the universal call: the gospel being preached to all. We cannot know who God will save and must continue to evangelize everyone.
Class handout and slides available under Downloads tab of the 8-26 class.