The White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20:11-15)
September 9, 2018 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Revelation - Eric Douma
Scripture: Revelation 20:11-15
In this message taken from Revelation 20:12-15 we examine how all unbelievers will be sentenced to the lake of fire at the White Throne Judgment. I use several logical syllogisms to prove that only the unregenerate will be judged at the White Throne Judgment. I do this to refute the false teaching of Amillennialism which asserts that both believers and unbelievers will be attending this judgment. We also begin to discuss the serious nature of eternal damnation in the lake of fire. Come and hear for yourself why every person should flee to Christ in faith to be sheltered from His coming wrath.
Class slides and handout available under the Download tab.