Systematic Theology: Are You a Calvinist? - Part 1
April 28, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
In this new Sunday School packet, we begin a study in systematic theology. The impetus behind this study is due to people asking me, “Are you a Calvinist?” Normally people are actually asking, “Do you believe in the doctrine of predestination?” John Calvin became so associated with this doctrine, that his name is now used as shorthand to refer to the doctrine of election itself. We at Gospel of Grace Fellowship do agree with Calvin in this very important doctrine, but we do disagree in some other doctrinal areas. This study is designed to prove that Calvin was biblical in his understanding that God alone saves (monergism), but that in other areas such as ecclesiology (study of the church) and eschatology (study of the last things) his doctrine is wanting. Come and hear the introduction where we begin by talking about the relationship between the Old and New Covenants.
Class handout and slides can be found under the Downloads tab.