Systematic Theology: Are You a Calvinist? - Part 2
May 19, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
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In this message we examine Calvin’s understanding of the Mosaic Law’s continuing relevance for the believer. We show that while we agree with Calvin and the Reformed Tradition that the Mosaic Law functions like a mirror to show us our sinful nature in need of Christ, we do not agree that the Law, as a binding legal code, should be used to sanctify believers. We also further explain why the Reformed Tradition believes children can be partakers of the New Covenant without being believers. Come and wrestle yourself with whether or not the Law of Moses should be considered a means of sanctification for the believer today.
Class slides can be found under the Downloads tab. [Note the class and slides carry over from the April 28 Sunday School class.]