Salvation Comes to Gentiles (Acts 13:46-49)
June 9, 2019 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 13:46-49
This class begins with a discussion of how the gospel was boldly proclaimed in Acts. We trace the word translated "spoke out boldly" through Acts and show that it is thematic. The gospel needs to be proclaimed without compromise or adulteration in the face of inevitable opposition. Those who would make the message appealing to religious consumers cannot justify the practice biblically.
The gospel goes to "the Jew first and also the Gentiles." The positive Gentile response had resulted in jealousy and opposition from many of the Jews. Paul called their repudiation of the gospel the equivalent of judging themselves "unworthy of eternal life." Paul cites Isaiah 49:6 as biblical proof that God's promises included Messianic salvation going to Gentiles.
The Isaiah passage spoke of this salvation in terms of "light." We see how Luke weaves the theme of light into Luke/Acts by studying Simeon's message in Luke 2:25-32. Acts 26:18 speaks of conversion as going from darkness to light. OT prophecy is being fulfilled when Gentiles come to the light of Christ. Acts 13:48 speaks of those "appointed" to eternal life believing. Luke purposely emphasizes the sovereignty of God in salvation while also emphasizing the use of the means of the gospel being preached to all.
Class handout and slides available under the Downlads tab.