Systematic Theology: Human Inability - Pt 2
September 8, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
In this message we focus on distinguishing between natural inability and moral inability of mankind. Natural inability, if true, would imply that all human beings are so corrupted by sin that they cannot reason well enough to understand the gospel apart from regeneration. This type of inability would be akin to God giving all human beings the gospel in a language they cannot understand. In this message we prove that this kind of inability is not what the Bible teaches. Moral inability, on the other hand, means that sinners, left to their own devices, so hate the gospel that even though they understand what God is saying in His word, they cannot come to faith because of their moral hatred of the gospel. Listen to hear how the Scriptures make this clear delineation between natural and moral inability.
Class slides and handout can be found under the Downloads tab.