Systematic Theology Series: Doctrine of Predestination (Are You a Calvinist?)
September 22, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
In this message we focus on defining the disagreement between the Remonstrants and Calvinists in their early 17th century debate. Pastor Eric Douma proceeds to define the beliefs of the Arminians (Remonstrants) and the Calvinists be defining the acrostic, TULIP. Since I have already proven the doctrine of total depravity, Eric begins to show biblical proof of “unconditional election.” We spend much of our session disproving the notion that God’s foreknowledge (Rom. 8:29) entails God looking down the corridors of time to see who will believe and therefore choosing these individuals on that basis. Eric proves that “foreknowledge” has to do with God choosing to enter into an intimate, loving relationship with His elect before the foundation of the world. Come and hear why God gets all the glory in salvation by understanding the biblical doctrine of unconditional election.
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