Systematic Theology: Unconditional Election
September 29, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
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In this message we finish examining the biblical doctrine of unconditional election. We conclude that God’s choice from the beginning of the world to save some is based solely on His good pleasure and not on the basis of what an individual does. We also begin defining the doctrine of limited atonement. This doctrine says that God had a decreed purpose in sending His Son to die on behalf of the elect. We also learn that God’s purpose in sending Christ to save His people through His vicarious death on the cross cannot be thwarted. We contrast this with the Arminian position which maintains that God’s purpose was to send His Son to die for every single person on the planet. In the Arminian scheme, God’s decretive will is thwarted by the inability of man to believe the gospel. Come and hear for yourself why the doctrine of limited atonement is clearly biblical and why God’s decretive will cannot be thwarted.