Systematic Theology: Perseverance of the Saints
October 27, 2019 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Systemic Theology
In this message we discuss the doctrine of irresistible grace. We learn that God’s decretive will cannot be thwarted by the will of man as God is able to bring His elect to saving faith. In this message, I prove from Romans 9 that God does indeed bring His “vessels of mercy” to salvation as He enables His elect to believe the gospel. Come and learn for yourself the important distinction between God’s moral and decretive will.
In this message we begin to prove that God’s elect will be enabled to persevere in the faith and are therefore eternally secure. We look at many biblical texts which prove that God’s power is such that Satan can never snatch a believer away from Christ. We also explain why the term “perseverance of the saints” is preferable to “once saved always saved.” Come and hear for yourself why every believer can be absolutely confident that they have everlasting life in Christ.
Class slides and handout area available under Downloads tab.