1 Kings 22 and Psalm 82 “The Divine Council”
December 8, 2019 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 1 Kings 22, Psalms 82
This class studies two key passages where the Biblical authors go behind the scene to show the reality of the unseen divine council. We see that God’s council includes fallen, spiritual beings sometimes called elohim. The Bible often tells us what is happening on the scene of history and sometimes what is happening in the unseen realm is also revealed. Another category is “beyond the scene” which has to do with future prophecy and God’s plan of Messianic salvation for Israel and will include people from the nations. In the process of discussing this, we deal with issues of epistemology which are disputed by those who are postmodern. We defend the correspondence theory of truth which implies the validity of the law of non-contradiction and the basic reliability of sense perception. Those who reject foundationalism embrace coherentism. We explain the basic definitions of these views and defend the proposition that truth can be know and also that the Bible is true. The passage we cover in 1Kings 22 is a case where what happens on the scene of history is explained in terms of what happened during a meeting of the divine council. That there was a deceiving spirit there shows that some of the spiritual beings at the meeting are fallen. Psalm 82 also describes the divine council and during the class with discuss this and show the chiastic structure of the Psalm. Part of Psalm 82 is cited by Jesus in John 10:34-36 and we explain the significance of Jesus’ use of the Psalm.