The Divine Purpose: Present Harvest, Future Judgment and a Banquet for the Redeemed
January 19, 2020 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
This class begins with God’s promise to Noah from Genesis 8 concerning how the earth will continue to be suitable for the earth to be inhabited. God promised seasons and a climate that is conducive to live on the earth. This promise was given after the flood and came with another promise that God will never again flood the earth. We then look at passages in 2 Peter about a future cataclysmic judgment by God which will destroy the earth by fire and the creation of a new heavens and earth that will be righteous. We have a frank discussion about many false philosophies that have been that are totally incompatible with a Biblical worldview. This includes ideas about climate change and false philosophies that lead to many human deaths. We show from the Bible that God is pleased with the earth being filled with people. God will save people from every tribe and tongue so that there will be representatives at the eschatological banquet who will give praise and glory to the Lord. We look at scriptures from the Old and New Testaments to prove this. We also expose false philosophies that have harmed or killed millions of people but are nevertheless popular today among many Americans. We warn the flock not to be deceived by pagan nature religions and socialist philosophies.