The Gospel Spreads, Churches Strengthened: Acts 14:23-28
March 8, 2020 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 14:23-28
As Paul and Barnabas visited churches they appointed elders and commended the churches to the Lord. We discuss how simple the local church was and how God was trusted to keep what He started. Being commended to the grace of God is very significant. We have an extended discussion about the fact that God did not ordain a “world headquarters” for the church during the church age. Jerusalem was not that even during the time of the apostles. Jerusalem rejected Jesus (in Luke) and then rejected Paul (in Acts). Only the teachings of Christ’s apostles are binding and authoritative. Throughout church history there have been attempts to create a centralized headquarters for the church, including the false one in Rome. There have been wars over which church would rule which nation. History is ruled by providence and providence contains good and evil. We cannot assume the something is good and necessary simply because it happened in church history. We must judge good and evil from the Scriptures. Paul commended local churches to the grace of God and we must accept that God’s grace is sufficient. God works through His ordained means.