A Serious Dispute Erupts: Acts 15:1-6
March 15, 2020 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 15:1-6
When Judaizers came from Judea to Antioch and taught that no one could be saved without being circumcised as prescribed by Moses in the Law, this caused a serious upheaval. Luke used the same word translated “strife” in the NASB of Acts 15:2 for “insurrection” in Luke 23:19, 25. This will end up being so serious that it will lead to a horrible situation Jerusalem as narrated in Acts 21. In our class discussion we talk about how critical it is to decide whether Moses or Jesus is the law-giver under the New Covenant. We show that Luke made it clear, especial in the narrative about the transfiguration, that it is Jesus. This has many ramifications and is often addressed in the New Testament, including Galatians and Hebrews. We point out that it keeps arising in church history as well. Some claim that the Law of Moses can be divided into three parts with one of them binding on Christians. We give good evidence that the Bible does not teach this, either in the Old or New Testaments. Those under the new covenant are under the law of Christ. This means that Christ and His apostles determine what is binding and what is a matter of Christian liberty. We also discuss means of grace in this context and what are the essential practices of a Christian church.
Class slides and handout available under the download tab.