The Macedonian Vision and God’s Will Part 2: Acts 16:-9-10
August 16, 2020 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 16:9-10
As we discuss continue our discussion of God’s will, contemplating how the Holy Spirit guided the movement of the gospel through the Book of Acts, we lay out more important categories. Occult “secret things” are forbidden but what is revealed is for our good. We have the moral law of God revealed in the Bible which we must follow by God’s grace. There are also other matters such as what is found in general revelation where we go about daily life, making decisions and serving God. We cannot assume that when a decision does not go as we hoped, we “missed God” and somehow got out of His will. God grants us the liberty to make decisions without recrimination. We gain wisdom and learn as we go. That is a good thing. We have the liberty to make choices that are not transgressions of God’s moral law. We have the comfort of God’s providence that we know will bring us all the way to glory and conform us to the image of Christ. We cover a passage in Galatians where Paul warns about those who “sneak in” and “spy out” our liberty in Christ. We must guard against those who make themselves lawgivers and take away the liberty that God gave us. We discuss examples of that during our class dicussion.