Paul Preaches in Corinth: Acts 18:4-6
August 8, 2021 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 18:4-6
Acts 18:4-6 “Paul is Compelled to Preach Christ” by Bob DeWaay
As we continue studying Paul’s early ministry in Corinth, it is apparent that he presented evidence from Scripture that Jesus was truly the promised Messiah. Luke also tells us that Paul was “wholly absorbed with proclaiming the word” (Acts 18:5 NET). The Greek word for this devotion to preaching Christ is sunecho_ which indicates being “constrained” to do so. In a negative sense, the same word was used in Acts 7:57 for those who heard Stephen preach who “covered their ears” because they hated the truth that he preached. Saul was there as a witness who approved of Stephen’s stoning.
In class we examine passages in Acts that show how things drastically changed through Saul’s conversion. By God’s intervention, rather than being compelled to persecute those who believed the gospel and thereby Christ Himself, Paul became one who was compelled to preach Christ. This preaching was to Jews and Gentiles. When this message of the crucified, Jewish Messiah was rejected, Paul alludes to Ezekiel 33:4 and other such passages about blood guilt. We have a discussion about how the gospel has been removed from various institutions that are called “Christian” by those who refuse to proclaim the terms