Rejection and Direction: Acts 18:5-11
August 29, 2021 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 18:5-11
Title: Acts 18:7-10 “Rejection and Direction
By Bob DeWaay
After Paul was rejected by most in the synagogue in Corinth, the Lord appeared in a vision and directed Paul to stop being afraid and to not be silent. This is clear, unambiguous direction from the risen Lord. Paul mentions this in 1 Corinthians 2:3. That Paul turned to the gentiles does not imply that he was to have no further ministry to Jews. The rest of Acts makes that clear. He stayed in Corinth and kept teaching the word of God. Since the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures, it is important that they be proclaimed forthrightly and without mixture. The Lord told Paul that He had many people in Corinth. These are people who had not yet heard the gospel and would respond as it is preached. We also review Acts 13:48 where Luke tells us that those “appointed” to eternal life believed. The Greek term for “appointed” is also used in Romans 13:1. We have a discussion about civil authorities, how Paul left some towns due to persecution and stayed in Corinth despite persecution. Many are concerned about current events, persecution, unrest, and upheavals in nature. We will discuss this further next week. The doctrine of providence will be part of our studies.