Apollos in Corinth - Paul Finds Disciples in Ephesus: Acts 19:1-7
February 10, 2022 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 19:1-7
Title: Acts 19:4-7 Disciples of JTB, Conversion or Second Blessing?
By Bob DeWaay
This class picks up the discussion about the disciples of JTB (John the Baptist) in Ephesus who had not heard of the Holy Spirit. We look at material in Luke/Acts to help understand whether these disciples of JTB understood the gospel. At issue: were these disciples of JTB Christians who were born of the Spirit but needed to receive the baptism of the Spirit as a second blessing? The key to understanding the status of these disciples is found in the fulfillment of Joel 2:28. The evidence from the Luke/Acts is that this a conversion and follows the pattern of other incidents where the gospel went from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and on to the other areas in the Roman Empire, including Ephesus. The bulk of this class is devoted to showing that the various gifts of the Spirit, conversions, and miraculous works point to fulfillment of prophecy. At issue is not the presence of various works of power and signs, but their significance. False signs and wonders may be powerful signs from a spiritual source. How we know that they are truly from God is found in whether they testify of the truth, or the lie. The truth is about the person and work of Christ. The lie is the message of Antichrist. We discuss laying on of hands, healings, tongues, gifts, revivals and other related topics. Those who are converted will grow through God’s grace and will ultimately be glorified. Not everyone who claims to be from Christ and have power is a genuine convert.