Exorcism in Luke-Acts The True Glorifies Christ: Acts 19:13-17
June 5, 2022 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 19:13-17
This class focuses on the Jewish exorcists who had no relationship with Christ but tried to command demons to leave by “the Jesus whom Paul preaches.” Many, even today, think that exorcism involves techniques or special processes. We cite Josephus, the Jewish historian, who gave details about how the Jews believed that Solomon had given wisdom about the most effective way to expel demons. Other ancient people used incantations used special processes to gain power over demons to cure demoniacs. The truth is that those who come to Christ are removed from the domain and authority of Satan. Deliverance is relational, not technical based on secret information. The point of various accounts of deliverance from demons in Luke-Acts is that Christ has all authority and power. We cite the case of the demoniac from Luke 8:26-39 where a man was in the most horrible condition imaginable. Yet Jesus set him free and told him to stay in the Gentile land of the Gerasenes to proclaim the mighty deeds of God done through Jesus (Luke 8:39). That is the key point, not that we need the demons to be forced to tell their names so that we might gain power over them. Many Christians have been deceived by pagan thinking and follow similar ideas as the failed exorcists in Acts 19:14-15. The danger the disciples faced in Luke was pride, not lack of knowledge about how demons operate. During the last 15 minutes of this class, Eric Douma explains the divine council from Scripture.