Paul Encourages Disciples, “We” Passages Resume Acts 20:1-12
October 9, 2022 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 20:1-12
After the uproar in Ephesus was resolved Paul traveled to areas where he had previously preached the gospel to exhort and encourage churches. As we explain this section, we discuss the nature of the church and how the Biblical definition of the church is so different from what is known as “church” after the many centuries of Christendom. The simple gatherings of believers which Paul encouraged in 56-57 AD had no massive organizations, cathedrals, institutions called “Christian” which are mostly devoid of any Christians. We discuss how hard it is to define the church today in our own society and how confusing it is for people who do not know Christ to understand what “Christian” means. Despite all of this, the essential truth of the gospel has never changed. We must still encourage one another and teach the Word of God. Paul likely wrote the book of Romans while he was on this journey. He was intent on gathering an offering for the benefit of Christians in Judea which would be brought to Jerusalem. Ironically, the events which will happen in Jerusalem so over-shadow the offering, it is not mentioned in Acts until later in chapter 24 after Paul’s arrest and various trials. As this narrative continues, Luke will become part of it in the first person as seen in the “we” and “us” passages which were first found in Acts 16 in Philippi. Luke was an eyewitness to much of what will happen and his writing shows it.