Who Brings The Kingdom? An Examination of NAR’s False Claims (Part 2)
October 23, 2022 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Who Brings the Kingdom
This message is a second installment of learning to refute the New Apostolic Reformation movement. In this message we begin to unpack what postmillennialism is, and we learn what Scriptures directly refute it. We learn from Matthew 24:21-22 that the world is not heading for any form of human-led perfection, but it is heading for the most cataclysmic time the world has ever known. We also show how some postmillennialists claim that the last days were completed by 70 A.D. at the destruction of the temple. We prove from 2 Peter 3:3-4 that the last days are synonymous with the church age in which we currently live, and we show that these days will last until the 2nd advent of Jesus Christ. Come and hear why the New Apostolic Reformation movement is teaching error when it is teaching any form of postmillennialism.