The Jews Plot to Kill Paul Rome Intervenes: Acts 23:11-31
August 4, 2024 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 23:11-31
We begin by discussing how Jesus “stood by Paul’s side and told him that he “must” also testify in Rome. This objective appearance with clear words spoken to Paul serves as a means of providing confidence in face of the threats to his life.
The words “take courage” translate an imperative in the Greek which occurs 7 times in the NT, always spoke by Jesus. He calls His disciples to take courage in midst of tribulation and threats. Luke tells us that over 49 people in Jewish leadership in Jerusalem formed a conspiracy to kill Paul.
To do this they planned to trick the Roman commander into brining Paul to Jerusalem so they could learn more about his case. They plotted to kill him on the way. In class, we asked what the difference is between conspiracies such as this one and a “conspiracy theories” which are so common amongst Christians in our day.
Conspiracy theories speak of what might be happening but rarely turn out to be factual. As the teacher, I suggest terminology I call “credibility capital” which is accumulated when our words, actions and teachings prove to be valid and reliable.
Such “capital” can be diminished by promoting conspiracy theories which do not end up coming to pass. I suggest that we save make sure our teaching is grounded in objective truth that proves to be valid. The conspiracy Luke described was real and Paul’s nephew knew about its details and warned the Roman commander.
We also discussed God’s providence and the supernatural reality of God’s power in overseeing history that is revealed in providence. We need to trust God’s providence and avoid speculations which create fear.