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The Jews Present Their Case Against Paul: Acts 24:1-9

November 3, 2024 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles

Scripture: Acts 24:1-9

After the assassination plot against Paul was discovered, he was brought under military guard to Ceasarea for a hearing before Felix the governor. The Jewish leadership from Jerusalem hired an attorney named Tertullus who brought the accusations against Paul.

In this class we examine the details of this hearing in light of the bigger theme of Christ’s witnesses being called before civil authorities. We explain how Luke shows his intimate knowledge of the Roman legal system that facilitated this hearing before a lawyer.

Paul was accused of being a ringleader of the “sect” called the Nazarenes. This will set the stage for Paul’s testimony before Felix which will be the next part of this chapter of Acts. The case against Paul suggests that he is a public enemy who caused a riot. Paul is not allowed to speak until after Tertullus finishes his accusations.