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Paul Speaks Before Felix: Acts 24:10-21

November 17, 2024 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles

Scripture: Acts 24:10-21

After the accusations were presented by Tertullus who represented the Jewish leadership, Paul was given the right to speak in his own defense. Paul, said 'I cheerfully make my defense', using the term apologeomai which denotes 'self defense before a tribunal.'

Earlier in Acts we saw this foreshadowed when the disciple Ananias was told by the Lord that Paul would “bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and sons of Israel” (Acts 9:15b). Paul claimed that he was innocent of the charges (speaking against Moses and the temple, defiling the temple with a Gentile and starting a riot).

Paul testified that he served God according to the “Way” which the Jews consider a “sect.” We discuss the nature of their dispute being the truth about Christ and His true identity as the promised Jewish Messiah. Paul claims that “everything written in the Law and Prophets” defines how he serves God.