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Paul Bears Witness While Imprisoned: Acts 24:22-27

December 15, 2024 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles

Scripture: Acts 24:22-27

In this class we examine historical details of the time period in the late 50’s AD when Paul spoke before Felix. We see that Luke’s accuracy is confirmed as it is throughout Luke/Acts.

Luke identified Drusilla as Felix’s wife. We read a section of Josephus, the Jewish historian during that time which mentions Drusilla and details about how Felix made her his wife. We also cite passages earlier in Acts with preview how Paul and others would bear witness for Christ, even before important civil authorities.

Luke 21:12-15 shows that Jesus predicted His apostles would be persecuted, put in prisons, and all for the opportunity to testify. Jesus promised them wisdom which would confound their enemies. Before Felix, Paul spoke about ‘righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come. This scared Felix.

We discuss how Paul was fearless to speak the truth to a man who could easily bring about Paul’s death. God had promised, however, that Paul would testify in Rome.