Redefining the Church: The Bible, Not Church History Must Define the Church (Pt. 2)
January 12, 2025 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Redefining the Church
As we continue to discuss the church as defined by the Bible we examine key Biblical texts which explain the nature and teaching of the church. Jude 3 says that the faith was “once for all handed down to the saints.
We also point out how Christ and His apostles speak authoritatively for God and that “once for all.” The teachings of others throughout church history who are not in the same foundational category as true apostles appointed personally by Christ do not define the church.
Church history includes the formation of institutions which span many generations. Creeds and official confessions have been created which usually contain some truth but are not substitutes for the direct teaching of the Word of God by ministers in the church.
The organic church implies that each one who is born of God is part of the body of Christ and attached to the Head, Jesus Christ. We affirm the priesthood of every believer as opposed to official “priests” of many institutional churches which claim to speak for God and mediate between people and God. Since there is so much Biblical material which serves to define the church, it is absurd to use definitions which come from uninspired traditions of man.