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Redefining the Church: The Bible, Not Church History, Must Define the Church Part 3

February 2, 2025 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Redefining the Church

Today we examine more Biblical texts which define the invisible church. These verses prove the validity of the categories ‘visible & invisible’ church. Eph. 5:25-27 concern Jesus loving and sanctifying the church so that He might present her to Himself holy and blames at the end.

This is also the “general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven” (Hebrews 12:23a). This church is not now visible to us but consists of the truly redeemed. We have a vigorous discussion about what is true about the invisible church and the biblical promises which undergird it.

Jesus did promise, “I will build My church” (from part of Matthew 16:18). Jesus promised to be with members of His church when even two or three gather (Matthew 18:20). We also discuss the true identity of Jesus Christ and how we know it is the true Christ we are serving.

This confession of Jesus Christ come in the flesh is essential. When a group called “church” teaches a different Jesus or different Christ, they are false and not part of the invisible church.

One other topic covered is the fact that true, unsullied Biblical teaching always benefits the invisible church. Religious consumers who do not know Christ have no hunger for the teachings of Christ and the whole counsel of God.