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Teachings from 2014

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December 10, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 3)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Psalms 89:1-52

December 3, 2014

Evidence the Bible is True

Speaker: Guest Speaker

November 19, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Numbers 23:1–24:25

November 12, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 1)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Genesis 49:1-33

October 29, 2014

The Sign of ''Immanuel''

Speaker: Scripture: Isaiah 7:1–9:7, Matthew 1:22-23

October 15, 2014

Election and Problems with Free Will - Part 5

Speaker: Steve Zipf Series: The Sovereignty of God Scripture: Romans 9:1–9:16

October 8, 2014

Election and Free Will - Part 4

Speaker: Steve Zipf Series: The Sovereignty of God Scripture: Romans 9:1–9:16

October 8, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden: Questions

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:8-13

October 1, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden : Temptation and Sin (Part 2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 2:24, Genesis 3:6-7

September 24, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden : Temptation and Sin (Part 1)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:1-5

September 17, 2014

YHWH God's Creation and Provision in the Garden: The 'ishah

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25

September 3, 2014

YHWH God's Creation and Provision in the Garden: The 'adam

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 2:4-17

June 4, 2014

''The seventh day'': Completion and Rest

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3

May 28, 2014

''The sixth day'': The Land Animals and Man

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:24-31

May 21, 2014

Faith in Action-Timeless Truths from the Book of James

Speaker: Guest Speaker Scripture: James 1:1–5:20

May 21, 2014

''The fifth day'': The Sea Creatures and Birds

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:20-23

May 14, 2014

''The fourth day'': The Luminaries

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:14-19

May 7, 2014

''The third day'': The Earth, Seas, and Vegetation

Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:9-13

May 7, 2014

1 John Overview

Speaker: Mike Kauffmann Scripture: 1 John 1:1–5:21

April 30, 2014

A ''third day'' Excursus: Textual Criticism and Genesis 1

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:9-10

April 16, 2014

''The second day'': The Heavens

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:6-8

April 9, 2014

''The first day'': The Day and Night

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:3-5

April 2, 2014

The Barren Earth and the Life-Giving Spirit

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:2

March 26, 2014

''In the beginning ...''

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1

March 19, 2014

Overview of Genesis 1:1-2:3

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1–2:3

March 12, 2014

Introduction to Genesis

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1–50:26

March 5, 2014

The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:13-31)

Speaker: Series: Topical Scripture: Luke 16:14-31